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 - Happy English.ru: учебник английского языка для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.:2- изд.- Обнинск: Титул,2007.    Глава 2. Урок 7. Упр.2,3 стр.56-57


Цели урока:

  • развивать у обучающихся навыки самостоятельной работы;
  • закрепить лексические навыки и умения  в процессе самостоятельной работы над темой;
  • отработать новую  лексику  в устной и письменной речи.


Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


Орг. момент


1-2 минуты


Настраивает на позитивный лад, объявляет тему урока, мотивирует.

Ставят перед собой цель получить желаемую оценку.


Практика речи.


10 минут

Организует устную проверку имеющихся знаний обучающих-

ся по теме в виде вопросов.

Отвечают на вопросы  в режиме У-у1,У-у 2…


Работа с карточками


25 минут

Раздает карточки, проверяет правильность выполнения заданий.

Самостоятельно работают с текстом, выполняют задания. Отмечают свои достижения  в таблице. 



2 минуты

Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу, выставляет оценки.

Сравнивают результат таблицы с предполагаемым результатом.


Индивидуальное домашнее задание


1 минута

Предлагает взять на дом карточки, которые не успели выполнить на уроке.

Желающие забирают задание.


Стенограмма урока.

1. Орг. момент


Good morning! I’m very glad to see you. Look at the blackboard and say what date is it today. What day of the week is today? Who is absent?

Сегодня мы продолжаем изучение темы “Английский парламент” и работу над новой лексикой.


2. Практика речи.

Let’s remember the meaning of some words from the previous lesson.

Чтение новой лексики  Ex.1p.50



1. How many Houses are there in the Parliament of England? What are they?

2. Who sits in the House of Lords? And in the House of Commons?

3. Do they sit in one building or in different buildings?

4. Who presides in the House of Commons? And in the House of Lords?

5. What is the name of the woman who was the British Prime Minister for about 11 years?

6. What other British Prime Ministers do you know?

7. Who is the British Prime Minister today?


3.Работа с карточками.

Давайте перейдем к выполнению заданий на карточках.             

Выполнив задания на карточке  №1 и №2 ,вы получаете оценку «3», выполнив задания на карточке №3 — оценку «4», на карточке №4 — оценку «5». Поставьте на полях ту оценку, которую бы вы хотели получить на этом уроке. 


Карточка 1.

a) Выбери правильно перевод слова

Палата — а)  palace б) house в) building

Палата лордов –a) the house of Lords б) the Palace of Lords в)the house of aristocrats

Член парламента -а) member of palace  б) member  of house в) member of Parliament

Законопроект — а) bill  б) law  в) document

Общие выборы –а) common elections б) general elections в)social elections

Палата общин –а) a common building б) the Palace of Commons  в) the House of Commons

Наследственные пэры -а) hereditary aristocrats  б) hereditary peers  в) hereditary members

Пожизненные пэры — а) life peers б)  life aristocrats в) life members

b) True or false


I вариант

1.The British Parliament sits in two buildings.

2.Members of the House of Commons never make important decisions.

3.There is a general election when the Queen decides.

4.Life peers get into the House of Lords because their parents were rich.

5. Every member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons is called an MP.


II вариант

1. The British Parliament sits in one building.

2. Most members of the House of Lords are very clever and competent.

3. The queen chooses the Prime Minister.

4. In the House of Lords people talk about bills before they become laws.

5. Members of the House of Commons are elected every 5 years.


Карточка 2.

Подберите к предмету или лицу правильное объяснение.

1. The Speaker.                                                                  7. The Mace.

2. The Woolsack.                                                               8. The statues of two Prime Ministers.

3. The Lord Chancellor.                                                      9. Red lines on the carpet.

4. The throne.                                                                   10. The   “aye” lobby.

5. The Chamber of the House of Lords.                            11. Westminster Hall.

6. The Chamber of the House of Commons.


a) MPs sit here.

b) The lords and ladies sit here. This chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber.

c) It lies on the table when the House is debating. It’s the symbol of the power which Parliament has won from the King.

d) They represent two British main political parties — the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.

e) When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the parliament, she sits on it.

f) He presides over the House of Commons.

g) The distance between them is two swords’ length. In the old days MPs used to have their swords, and it was dangerous when they got angry with each other. So the lines are here to remind the MPs that they should not start a fight.

h) This is the oldest part of the building. It saw Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up the Houses  of Parliament in 1605, and in World War II bombs fell on it.

i) He sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords.

k) These are two long corridors, which are very important for the country, because MPs come here to vote.


Карточка 3.    Заполните пропуски.  Вы можете работать с текстом.

1. The Palace of Westminster consists of … parts.

2. The main colours of the Houses of Parliament are … … … .

3. …  writes the Queens speech.

4. Britain’s… main political parties are … .

5. A Conservative should touch … shoe, if you are …, touch… shoe.

6. The person who usually sits on the … is  the  … .

7. The … is put on the table when the House of Commons is sitting.

8. The … is the symbol of … which … won from the King a long time ago.

9. … … is … … years old.

10. The … is the person who presides over the … … .

11. The benches in the House of Commons are … .

12. The seats in the House of Lords are … .

13. … presides over the House of Lords.

14. David Lloyd George represents … party, Sir Winston Churchill  — … Party.

15.The British Parliament …. vote with their … .


Карточка 4

Составьте предложения из карточки №2 с помощью союзов which, where, whose, who, that.

Образец: This is the Speaker who presides over the House of Commons.


- Happy English.ru: учебник английского языка для 8 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.:2- изд.-

Обнинск: Титул,2007.    Глава 2. Урок 7. Упр.2,3 стр.56-57


4. Рефлексия.

Ваше время  для работы закончилось. Довольны вы своей оценкой?


5. Индивидуальное домашнее задание. Те, ученики, которые хотят улучшить свой результат, могут взять карточку №4 на дом.


Карточка 1.

a) Выбери правильно перевод слова


Палата — а)  palace б) house в) building

Палата лордов –a) the house of Lords б) the Palace of Lords в)the house of aristocrats

Член парламента -а) member of palace  б) member  of house в) member of Parliament

Законопроект — а) bill  б) law  в) document

Общие выборы –а) common elections б) general elections в)social elections

Палата общин –а) a common building б) the Palace of Commons  в) the House of Commons

Наследственные пэры -а) hereditary aristocrats  б) hereditary peers  в) hereditary members

Пожизненные пэры — а) life peers б)  life aristocrats в) life members


b) True or false

I вариант

1. The British Parliament sits in two buildings.

2. Members of the House of Commons never make important decisions.

3. There is a general election when the Queen decides.

4. Life peers get into the House of Lords because their parents were rich.

5.  Every member of the House of Lords and the House of Commons is called an MP.


II вариант

1. The British Parliament sits in one building.

2. Most members of the House of Lords are very clever and competent.

3. The queen chooses the Prime Minister.

4. In the House of Lords people talk about bills before they become laws.

5. Members of the House of Commons are elected every 5 years.


Карточка 3.

Заполните пропуски.

1. The Palace of Westminster consists of … parts.

2. The main colours of the Houses of Parliament are … … … .

3. …  writes the Queens speech.

4. Britain’s… main political parties are … .

5. A Conservative should touch … shoe, if you are …, touch… shoe.

6. The person who usually sits on the … is the  … .

7. The … is put on the table when the House of Commons is sitting.

8. The … is the symbol of … which … won from the King a long time ago.

9. … … is … … years old.

10. The … is the person who presides over the … … .

11. The benches in the House of Commons are … .

12. The seats in the House of Lords are … .

13. … presides over the House of Lords.

14. David Lloyd George represents … party, Sir Winston Churchill  — … Party.

15.The British Parliament …. vote with their … .


Карточка 2.

Подберите к предмету или лицу правильное объяснение.

1. The Speaker.                                                                  7. The Mace.

2. The Woolsack.                                                               8. The statues of two Prime Ministers.

3. The Lord Chancellor.                                                      9. Red lines on the carpet.

4. The throne.                                                                   10. The   “aye” lobby.

5. The Chamber of the House of Lords.                            11. Westminster Hall.

6. The Chamber of the House of Commons.


a) MPs sit here.

b) The lords and ladies sit here. This chamber is also called the Parliament Chamber.

c) It lies on the table when the House is debating. It’s the symbol of the power which Parliament has won from the King.

d) They represent two British main political parties — the Conservative Party and the Labour Party.

e) When the Queen arrives in the House of Lords to open the parliament, she sits on it.

f) He presides over the House of Commons.

g) The distance between them is two swords’ length. In the old days MPs used to have their swords, and it was dangerous when they got angry with each other. So the lines are here to remind the MPs that they should not start a fight.

h) This is the oldest part of the building. It saw Guy Fawkes, who tried to blow up the Houses  of Parliament in 1605, and in World War II bombs fell on it.

i) He sits on the Woolsack and presides over the House of Lords.

k) These are two long corridors, which are very important for the country, because MPs come here to vote.


Карточка 4

Составьте предложения из карточки №2 с помощью союзов which, where, whose, who, that.

Образец: This is the Speaker who presides over the House of Commons.



Палата  б);   Палата Лордов а);   Член Парламента в);   Законопроект а);

Общие выборы  б);       Палата общин в);                  Наследственные пэры б); 

Пожизненные пэры а).

Вариант 1.                                                   Вариант 2.

1.F,  2.F,  3.F,  4.F,  5.F.                               1.T,  2.F,  3.F,  4.T,  5.T.


Карточка №2

1F;  2  — ;  3 i;   4e;  5b;  6a;  7 c;  8 d; 9 g;  10r;  11h.


Карточка №3

1.3; 2. Red, green, gold.3. The government; 4. Two, Conservative, Labour.

5. Churchill’s, Lloyd’s. 6. Woolsack, the Lord Chancellor, 7 .The Mace

8.The Mace, power, Parliament, 9.Westminster Palace,   more than a thousand,

10. Speaker, the House of Commons, 11. Green, 12. Red, 13.The Lord Chancellor,

14.Labour , Conservative.


Скачать презентацию к уроку. Часть 1  english-parliament.part1.rar [2.38 Mb]
Скачать презентацию к уроку. Часть 2  english-parliament.part2.rar [1.75 Mb]

МОУ СОШ №112 г. Уфа 

Тухватуллина Гульнара Шамильевна — учитель высшей квалификационной категории.

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