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 – Enjoy English: учебник английского языка для 11 кл. общеобраз. учрежд.:2- изд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2010.   

Глава 2.  “What happens after school?”Урок 3. Упр. 46, 51, 53 стр.60


Цели урока:

- развивать у обучающихся навыки самостоятельной работы;

- закрепить лексические навыки и умения  в процессе самостоятельной работы над темой;

- отработать новую  лексику  в устной и письменной речи.



Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


Орг. момент


1-2 минуты


Настраивает на позитивный лад, объявляет тему урока, мотивирует.

Ставят перед собой цель получить желаемую оценку.


Работа с карточками


25 минут

Раздает карточки, проверяет правильность выполнения заданий.

Самостоятельно работают с текстом, выполняют задания. Отмечают свои достижения  в таблице. 


Практика речи.


10 минут

Организует устную проверку имеющихся знаний обучающихся по теме в виде  монологических высказываний.

Отвечают на вопросы  в режиме У-у1,У-у 2…



2 минуты

Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу, выставляет оценки.

Сравнивают результат таблицы с предполагаемым результатом.


Индивидуальное домашнее задание


1 минута

Предлагает взять на дом карточки, которые не успели выполнить на уроке.

Желающие забирают задание.


Стенограмма урока.

1.Орг. момент

Good morning! I’m very glad to see you. Look at the blackboard and say what date is it today. What day of the week is today? Who is absent?

I want you to look at these people. Do you know them? Guess what they all have in common.

They are world famous. They didn’t go to the university directly after school. They went to different colleges; some of them went to universities later. Today we are going to talk about

“What happens after school?”

2.Работа с карточками. Давайте перейдем к выполнению заданий на карточках.              Выполнив задания блок А , вы получаете оценку «3», выполнив задания блока В — оценку «4», блока С — оценку «5». Поставьте на полях ту оценку, которую бы вы хотели получить на этом уроке. 


Block A

Match the words and their translation.

Vocational college; to enter the university; attend; practical skill; academic; non-academic; specific occupation; expertise; welding; lower social class; retail; prestigious university; graduate from; expensive university.

Посещать, престижный университет, университет  с дорогим обучением,

низший социальный класс, сварка, опыт, розничная торговля, академический,

поступать в университет, не академический, практические умения, профессиональное училище (колледж),  конкретное занятие, оканчивать университет.

Match the answers and the questions.

1. Who can enrol in a vocational college?

a) Oh, that’s not so easy. We have so many different students from school-leavers to professionals with graduate degrees.

2. Are there entrance exams?

b) Many feel they might become more employable if they get additional qualifications.

3. Describe a typical student of the college.

c) Actually, we’ve got an  “open admission” policy which means we don’t have exams, only an interview before the start of the course.

4. Why do university graduates come to the college?

d) Anyone who’s got a secondary school certificate.


Block B  

Read and choose the answer:  true, false or no information. 

I variant

Contrary to popular belief, vocational colleges aren’t just for students who couldn’tget into university. Students attend vocational colleges for a number of reasons, including getting some practical skills or experience before going to universities. For many people it is a good two-year long alternative to longer higher education programs.                                                                                                                                                  Whereas in universities the education concentrates more on theory and abstract knowledge, in vocational colleges the education usually prepares learners for careers that are traditionally non- academic. In other words, it is directly related to a specific occupation or vocation, and students develop expertise in a particular technique or learn some practical skills. Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more on specific trades, such as automobile mechanics or welding, and was therefore associated with the activities of lower social classes. But the situation has changed.                                                                                      Now vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics. In fact, a lot of famous people studied in colleges before they rose to the tops of their fields. Can you name any of these people?

  1. 1.     Vocational colleges are just for students who couldn’t get into university.
  2. 2.     Students attend vocational colleges only for getting some experience before going to universities. 
  3. 3.     In universities the education concentrates more on theory and abstract knowledge. 
  4. 4.     In vocational colleges the education usually prepares learners for careers that are directly related to a specific occupation or vocation.
  5. 5.     Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more to prepare learners for careers that are traditionally non- academic.
  6. 6.     Students have to attend vocational colleges before enter the university.
  7. 7.     Till the end of the twentieth century, vocational education focused more on such trades as automobile mechanics or welding.
  8. 8.      Since then the situation hasn’t changed.
  9. 9.     Anyone who’s got a secondary school certificate can enrol  at a vocational college.
  10. 10.                     Vocational education exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology and cosmetics.

II variant

Read and choose the answer:  true, false or no information.

 These days, most jobs require people who are educated and have good skills. Therefore people who want good job have to study hard and graduate with high qualifications.  Furthermore, as technology advances all over the world, more and more education is required of people.

People think that a degree from a prestigious university guarantees a high salary in future. Graduates of top universities have more job opportunities and are more likely to have successful careers. It seems that attending an expensive university has become similar to owning an expensive bag. It’s true that a university which is not very famous is easier to enter and the quality of the education is the same.                                                                                   Studying in a university gives us time to prepare careers. Nowadays, the job market is more and more competitive; a university degree is one of the fundamentals to some positions. The most commonly recognized standard of a person`s knowledge is his academic degree. A good academic degree usually means a well-paid job in this sense. Therefore, a university degree is essential for a person who wants a successful future. The university life is a short time in a person`s whole lifetime. In the university we prepare ourselves for the future real world.

  1. 1.     People think that a degree from a prestigious university guarantees a high salary in future.
  2. 2.     People who want good job have to graduate from universities.
  3. 3.     Graduates of top universities have more job opportunities and are more likely to have successful careers.
  4. 4.     Any university is easy to enter.
  5. 5.     Studying in a university gives us time to prepare for a future profession.
  6. 6.     Students have to attend vocational colleges before enter the university.
  7. 7.     Anyone who’s got a secondary school certificate can enrol  at a university.
  8. 8.     A good academic degree usually means a well-paid job in this sense.
  9. 9.     A university degree is essential for a person who wants a successful future.

10.  In the university we don’t prepare ourselves for the future real world.




  • Vocational college; -профессиональное училище (колледж)
  •  to enter the university;       -  поступать в университет
  •  attend;                                     - посещать
  • practical skill;                           — практические умения
  •  academic;                              -   академический
  •  non-academic;                       — не академический
  • specific occupation;              -  конкретное занятие
  •  expertise;                                - опыт
  • welding;                                     -сварка
  • lower social class;                   - низший социальный класс
  • retail;                                       —  розничная торговля
  • prestigious university;            -престижный университет
  • graduate from;                        — оканчивать университет

 expensive university.             -университет  с дорогим обучением


В. 1 вариант

1F, 2F,3T,4T,5T, 6F,7T,8F,9 no information,10T.

2 вариант

1T,2 no information, 3T,4 no inform., 5F, 6F,7 no inform., 8T,9T,10F


Block C

Write 6-8  sentences about where people go to study after school.


3.  Практика речи. Сядьте по вариантам. Обсудите, почему люди идут учиться в то или иное учебное заведение.


4. Рефлексия.

Довольны вы своей оценкой? Что получилось? Что не получилось?


5. Индивидуальное домашнее задание. Составить рассказ  о том, куда вы собираетесь поступать после окончания школы.


Скачать презентацию к уроку do_you_know_these_people.zip [1.27 Mb]

МОУ СОШ № 112 г. Уфа
Тухватуллина Гульнара Шамильевна — учитель высшей квалификационной категории

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