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Учебник «Английский в фокусе» для 9 класса (“Spotlight”), авторы Ю. Е. Ваулина, О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс. “Просвещение”, 2009

Цели урока:

- развивать умение самостоятельной работы на уроке;

- формировать навыки чтения в формате ГИА, лексические навыки и умения в процессе самостоятельной работы над темой;

- развивать навыки сопоставления и сравнения с имеющимися аналогами и умение пользоваться изученным материалом;

Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерные тесты, разноуровневые карточки, карта достижений.



Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Организационный момент.

2 мин.

Знакомит с темой урока и целью

Ставят себе цель выполнить тесты и упражнения, достичь той отметки, которую желают получить за урок


Самостоятельное чтение текста “Lending a helping hand”. Работа с разноуровневыми карточками (А — на «5», В — на» 4», С — на«3»)

5 + 20 минут

Раздает карточки по вариантам. Оказывает индивидуальную помощь, проверяет задания.

Изучают самостоятельно теоретический материал. Выполняют задания по карточкам. Отмечают свои достижения на карте


Самостоятельное изучение лексики. Работа над компьютерными тестами № 1-5 — на 5”, 1 — 4- на 4”, №1 — 3 — на “3”


Помогает включиться в работу на компьютере, объясняет, если возникнут вопросы по процедуре выполнения теста

 Выполняют компьютерные тесты



2 минуты

Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу

Сравнивают результат таблицы с предполагаемым результатом


Индивидуальное домашнее задание

1 минута


Желающие записывают задание

 Стенограмма урока

  1. Организационный момент. Целеполагание.

Teacher: My dear friends, today we are going to read about helping animals. At the lesson you will also study the vocabulary and have practice in using it.
The first task is to read the text “Lending a helping hand” and do the tasks in cards A, B, C
If you want to get a “5” you are to work with Card A.
If you want to get a “4” you are to work with Card B.
If you want to get a “3” you are to work with Card C.
You will have 15 minutes to work with the cards.
The second task is study the words (WL Page 15) and to do the computer tests:
№ 1-4- “5”,
№1-3- “4”
№1-2- “3”.
You will have 15 minutes to do the tasks. Don’t forget to register your achievements in the chart. Good luck!



Card B

Card C











II. Самостоятельное чтение текста.
III. Работа с разноуровневыми карточками.
Card A

Task1. Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs (1-5). One heading is extra.

  1. Special needs

Summers only

Reasons why

All shapes and sizes

Odd jobs

It all helps







2. Fill in the table with the names of the animals from the text. Add as many animals as you can.

Animal catogeries










Task 3. Fill in: natural, senior, animal, charity, foster, answer, staff, full, take, burst
…shelter …make a recovery
…choice …home
…members …event
… phone calls …citizen
…care of
Task 4. Match the words in the two columns.
Get choice
Burst a full recovery
Make involved
Take out with
Natural care of
Hang into tear
Card B

Task1.Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs (1-5). One heading is extra.

  1. Special needs

Summers only

Reasons why

All shapes and sizes

Odd jobs

It all helps







 Task 2. Fill in the table with the names of the animals from the text. Add as many animals as you can.

Animal catogeries










Task 3. Fill in: natural, senior, animal, charity, foster, answer, staff, full, take, burst
…shelter …make a recovery
…choice …home
…members …event
… phone calls …citizen
…care of
Task1.Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs (1-5). One heading is extra.

  1. Special needs

Summers only

Reasons why

All shapes and sizes

Odd jobs

It all helps







2. Fill in the table with the names of the animals from the text. Add as many animals as you can.

Animal catogeries










IV. Самостоятельное изучение лексики.
V. Компьютерный тест.

Test 1. Fill in: staff, foster, remove, answer, rescue, worthwhile, victims

  1. It took the fire fighter a lot time to…the koala from the burning tree.
  2. Helping people or animals in need is certainly a …cause.
  3. After the animals recover, they are placed in… homes where they’re loved and looked after.
  4. This charity aims at helping… of the recent earthquake disaster.
  5. It is against the law to… endangered species from their natural habitats.
  6. The…members at the animal clinic are very helpful.
  7. The local community centre is asking for a volunteer to…phone calls and help in the organization of various events.

Test 2. Fill in the gaps with the verbs below in the correct form.
Volunteer support donate encourage get involved

  1. My family…old clothes and books to the local charity shops.
  2. I…once a week at a children’s hospital.
  3. Many people …charities giving money to them regularly.
  4. The fact that so many of Paul’s friends came to see him in hospital after the accident really…him.
  5. She liked the ideas of…with the local animal shelter and their campaign.

Test 3. Use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences.
make a full recovery, get involved, hang out with, burst into tears, natural choice, take care of

1. We should all…with projects that will help improve our community.
2. Airat’s grown up on a farm, so he knows very well what it’s like to animals.
3. When the doctor told her that her puppy was going to be fine, she…
4. Instead of…your friends all the time, why don’t do something more useful?
5. I want to be a nurse, so volunteering at my local hospital was the… for me.
6. When the kitten was found, it was very sick, but luckily it… .

Test 4. Choose the best item.

  1. We found the puppy abandoned/neglected on the side of a motorway.
  2. Our teacher has asked us to donate/report any books or toys to the local children’s hospital.
  3. Do you think you could spare a couple/plenty of hours to walk the dog?
  4. If a person cannot look after a pet extremely/properly, they shouldn’t be allowed to own one.
  5. The local council is asking for volunteers to plant/feed trees in the city square.

V. Рефлексия.
Teacher: My dear friends! You have worked very hard at the lesson, I am really proud of you. Let’s look at the register and analyze our achievements: … students have reached Level C,… students-Level B and … students have done their best. So you see that still there is much to be done. I thank you for the lesson and wish you every success in your studies.

VI. Инднвидуальное домашнее задание по карточкам.
Teacher: You can do some tasks at home. We will continue our work at the next lessons.


Гараева Налия Наримановна,
учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
Татарская гимназия № 2 имени Ш. Марджани г. Казани

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