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Учебник «Английский в фокусе» для 8 класса  (“Spotlight”), авторы  Ю. Е. Ваулина, О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс. “Просвещение”, 2009


Цели урока: 

- развивать умения самостоятельной работы на уроке;

- формировать лексические навыки и умения в процессе  самостоятельной  работы  над темой;

- совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения и чтения с полным пониманием прочитанного;

- развивать навыки языковой догадки и умения пользоваться изученной лексикой и грамматикой.


Оборудование: компьютер, компьютерные тесты, разноуровневые карточки, карта достижений.


Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



онный момент.



2 мину


Знакомит с темой урока и целью

Ставят себе цель ответить на вопросы, выполнить упражнения, достичь той отметки, которую желают получить за урок


Знакомство с лексикой, работа над компьютерными тестами (№1-7 — на “5”, №1-5- на “4”, №1-3-  на “3”

5 + 15 минут

 Помогает включиться в работу на компьютере, объясняет, если возникнут вопросы по процедуре выполнения теста


Выполняют компьютерные тесты



ное чтение

текста “Animals in the air”. Работа с разноуровне

выми карточками

Card C-на«5»,Card В-на «4»Card A –на «3»)


  Раздает тексто-

вой материал и карточки по вариантам. Оказывает индивидуальную помощь, проверяет задания.

 Знакомятся с текстом, выполняют задания по карточкам. Отмечают свои достижения на карте



2 мину


Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу

Сравнивают результат таблицы с предполагаемым результатом



ное домашнее задание

1 мину



Желающие записывают задание


Ход урока


I. Организационный момент. Целеполагание.


Teacher: Today we are going to know more about food different ways of cooking food. At the lesson you will read the text “ Obento,  a tasty tradition” and learn some  new words on this topic. Besides, you will come across  the vocabulary that you can use while speaking about Japanese traditional meals.

The first  task is to study the vocabulary in the textbook (Page WL 4).

          If you want to get a “5” you are to do Tasks 1-3

          If you want to get a “4” you are to do Tasks 1-5

          If you want to get a “3” you are to do Tasks 1-7

          You will have 15 minutes to work.

The second task is to read the text and do the tasks in cards A,B,C

          If you want to get a “5” you are to work with Card C.

          If you want to get a “4” you are to work with Card B.

          If you want to get a “3” you are to work with Card A.

          You will have 15 minutes to do the tasks. Don’t forget to register your    achievements in the chart. Good luck!


II. Cамостоятельное изучение новой лексики.


Teacher:  Please, study the words  at Page WL 4.


Task 1.  Read the table. Match the 3 columns

Eg., 1 b c

1)Natural Science

a)the study of the behaviour of  human

 beings and societies

b)Economics , Computer Science, Engineering, Management, Health Science


1)Social Science

c)the application of scientific research to human needs

d)Biology,  Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Geography, Ecology, Astronomy

3)Applied Science

e)the study of natural phenomena

f)Psychology, Education, History, Politics, Sociology


Task 2. Which subject do the following people study?


Maria studies the function of the human body


Adam studies the way computers works


Helen studies the planets and stars


James studies the way governments work


Rose studies the reasons for people's behaviour


Alana studies the events of the past







Task 3.  Fill in the table with the names of the subjects


the study of  human relationships



the study of  the past



the study of stars and planets



the study of  natural environment



the study of  the mind and how it influences people's behaviour



the study of  living things


the study of  how governments work



Task 4. Fill in:

a) raise, lift, put up. Check in the Word List.



b) lift   floating     invention   experiment   presented

Christopher Cockerel's idea was to build a vehicle that would travel    just    above    the    surface    of    land    or    water 1)………                                on    a    cushion    of    air.     His 2)…….      started with two cans, one inside the other,   and   an   air dryer   to   blow   air   into   them.   The 3)………            showed that air could produce enough pressure to 4)                  a vehicle off the ground.

In    1959,    in    the    English Channel, Christopher Cockerel 5)…….      the

first hovercraft which has been used  throughout  ever since for commercial and

military reasons.


Task 5. Complete the texts using the words given 


inventor   gathered  passengers   crowds


On July 2nd 1900 1)…… of people living in a German town 2)………        to watch the very first Zeppelin airship go up in the air. Similar airships had been around for about 50 years but the Zeppelin   was the first airship with a special design that allowed it to travel faster than those built before. The Zeppelin's 3)……. was Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. In 1910, the airship Deutschland became the world's first commercial airship. By the start of World War I in 1914, German Zeppelins had travelled over 172,000 km and carried over 34,000 4)………..    and crew safely.


Task 6. Choose the correct word in each sentence

1. There is a park nearby/upwards where we can fly our kites.

2. A hot-air balloon uses smoke/heat to go up in the air.

3. The first aeroplanes couldn't make very long heights/flights.

4. I always get good grades in History/Physics. I like Science a lot!

5. Raise/Lift your hand if you know the correct answer.


Task 7. Match the letters to the numbers


  2.safe and sound

  3.come to a conclusion




 a)  to do something, especially something difficult or useful

 b)  to show something

 с)  to catch something and not let go

 d) to decide something

 e) not harmed




Animals in the air

Can you believe that the history of the hot-air balloon began with a sheep, a duck and a chicken?


One day in 1777, Joseph Montgolfier was relaxing in front of the fire with his laundry drying nearby. After a while, he noticed that one of his shirts started to float upwards. The young man was curious about what happening, so he threw some small pieces of paper into the fireplace to see if the same thing happened to them. When he saw them coming out of the chimney, he came to the conclusion that smoke had the power to lift up and carry them through the air. Joseph loved science and wanted to become an inventor, so he started trying to think of a craft that would be able to capture smoke and heat and lift people off the ground. Along with his brother  Jacques, he began performing experiments on something that later became  the first hot-air balloon.


The Montgolfier brothers quickly realised that it was heat and not smoke that had the power to lift things. On 19th September 1783, they  presented  their first hot-air balloon, which was made from paper and cloth. They burned some straw underneath it and the heat helped the balloon to  float. As this was its first trip, the Montgolfier brothers were too nervous to go up in the balloon themselves. So, instead they put a sheep, a duck and a chicken in the basket that hung below  the balloon for the two-mile journey.


The new invention was a great success and the animals landed safe and sound. A huge crowd, including some members of the French Royal Family gathered to watch the balloon floating high in the sky. Shortly afterwards,  brothers asked the king for permission to send men up in the balloon. The King agreed, and the first flight consisting of human passengers took place in Paris  on 21st November 1783 with great success. The balloon reached heights of around 150 metres as it floated over the Paris rooftops, starting a long tradition of hot-air ballooning.


Card A

Task 1.  Read the text and complete the sentences


a) he saw smoke in a fireplace.

b )he saw pieces of paper flying.

c) he watched a shirt drying.


2   Joseph hoped to be a(n)...
a) scientist.

 b) engineer.
c) performer.


a) help the balloon go up.

b) make the balloon lighter.

c) make the balloon move faster.


5   The Montgolfier brothers asked
the king's permission to ...



Card B

Task 1.  Read the text and complete the sentences


  1. The history of the hot-air balloon began with…
  2. Joseph Montgolfier  noticed that…
  3. The first flight consisting of human passengers took place in …  on…
  4. Joseph loved science and wanted to become …
  5. Joseph  and  is brother  Jacques  began…
  6. The Montgolfier brothers quickly realised that it was …
  7.  On 19th September 1783, they  presented …
  8. The first hot-air balloon  was made from…
  9. The new invention was a great success and…

Task 2.  Read the text and choose the correct answers. Give reasons.


a) he saw smoke in a fireplace.

b) he saw pieces of paper flying.

c) he watched a shirt drying.


2.  Joseph hoped to be a(n)...
a) scientist.

b) engineer.
c) performer.


3. They burned straw to ...

a) help the balloon go up.

b) make the balloon lighter.

c) make the balloon move faster.


4.The first flight was watched by ...


5   The Montgolfier brothers asked the king's permission to ...


Task 3. Tell your partner three things you found interesting about the history of the hot-air balloon .


Card C


Task 1.  Read the text and complete the sentences


Task 2.  Read the text and choose the correct answers. Give reasons.

1. Joseph Montgolfier got the idea for a flying machine when ...

a) he saw smoke in a fireplace.

b) he saw pieces of paper flying.

c) he watched a shirt drying.


2. Joseph hoped to be a(n)...
a) scientist.

b) engineer.
c) performer.


3.They burned straw to ...

a) help the balloon go up.

b) make the balloon lighter.

c) make the balloon move faster.


5   The Montgolfier brothers asked
the king's permission to ...


Task 3. Tell your partner three things you found interesting about the history of the hot-air balloon .


Task 4. Writing

 Imagine you are Joseph Montgolfier. King Louis XVI has agreed on the first manned hot-air balloon flight. Use the information in the text on p. 42 to write a letter to Jean-Francois, a friend of yours, explaining what has happened and asking him to take part in the first flight with human passengers.

Dear Jean-Francois,

We finally made it. The first…....


We made it from...... …To make it float, we. The

first passengers were..... ………

King Louis XVI and...... ……..The king has agreed……..

Would you like……    ?

Best regards,

Joseph Montgolflier



Teacher: You have done much hard work at the lesson and have learnt many new things. Let’s look at the register and analyze our achievements: 4 students have reached Level C, 7 students-Level B and 4 students have done their best.  So you see that still there is much to be done. I thank you for the lesson and wish you every success in your studies.



Teacher: You can read the text again and make a plan. We will continue our work with it at the next lessons.


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