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Вы находитесь: ТИО » Английский язык » 9 класс » Технологии » Technologies. Технологии. Контрольная работа (модуль 4)

Учебник «Английский в фокусе» для 9 класса  (“Spotlight”), авторы  Ю. Е. Ваулина, О. Е. Подоляко, Д. Дули, В. Эванс. “Просвещение”, 2009


Цели урока:

- развитие умения самостоятельной работы на уроке;

- контроль усвоения лексико-грамматического  материала модуля №4


Оборудование: компьютеры, компьютерные тесты, карта достижений.



Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся



онный момент.



2 мину


Знакомит с темой урока и целью

Ставят себе цель ответить на вопросы, выполнить упражнения, достичь той отметки, которую желают получить за урок


Компьютерный тест

40 минут

Помогает включиться в работу на компьютере, объясняет, если возникнут вопросы по процедуре выполнения теста   


Выполняют компьютерные тесты. Отмечают свои достижения на карте



2 мину


Подводит итог, анализирует таблицу

Сравнивают результат таблицы с предполагаемым результатом



ное домашнее задание

1 мину



Желающие записывают задание


Ход урока


I.Организационный момент. Целеполагание.



Hello, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you at our lesson. How are you? I am glad you are fine. Today we are going to check our knowledge and do the next Progress Check. It contains 7 tasks.


Task  1 — Topic Vocabulary.

Task 2 — Phrasal Verb

Task 3 — Prepositions

Task 4 — Word Formation

Tasks 5, 6, 7 — Grammar (forms of  expressing the future)

And you will appreciate your results yourselves. Only when you finish a task and have no mistakes you can go on to the next task. You can do the tasks in any order.

               If you want to get a “5” you are to do all 7 tasks

               If you want to get a “4” you are to do any 5 tasks

          If you want to get a “3” you are to do any 4 tasks


II.  Компьютерный  тест.

You will have 40 minutes to work. If you make some mistakes no need to return to the computer variant again. I can give you a paper variant to save your time. In the tasks 4 and 7 you are to write the necessary answer yourselves. If you have any questions raise your hands and I will come up.

    Don’t forget to register your achievements in the chart. Good luck!


III.  Рефлексия. 

Teacher: You have done much hard work at the lesson Let’s look at the register and analyze our achievements: 3 students have done 3 tasks , 4students have done 5 tests  and 3 students have done their best.  So you see that still there is much to be done. I thank you for the lesson and wish you every success in your studies.


IV. Инднвидуальное домашнее задание по карточкам. 


Teacher: You can do  Workbook exercises number 7 or 8 on p.43 We will continue our work with it at the next lessons.


                           Task 1                                  

  1.   Robots can .... simple tasks

                1. perform

                 2. become

                 3. exist

                 4. build

                 5. overcome

2.        I can check my ..... from any computer

                 1. phone line

                 2. server

                 3. email account

                 4. subscription

                 5. build


3.         A ..... connection is much faster than a standard connection

                   1. overcome

                   2. perform

                   3. server

                   4. broadband

                   5. phone  line


4.         Robot technology still has some problems to ....

                 1. phone  line

                 2. overcome

                 3. build

                 4. exist

                 5. perform


  5.      In the future robots and humans will ......alongside each other

                   1. exist

                   2. build

                   3. become

                   4. overcome

                   5. perform


6.        You have to pay a monthly .....to use the Internet

                 1. subscription

                 2. phone line

                 3. server

                 4. perform

                 5. email account


7.       You have to pay a monthly .....to use the Internet


                 1. subscription

                 2. phone line

                 3. server

                 4. perform

                 5. email account


  8.       Scientists nowadays can ..... some fantastic machines


                  1. perform

                  2. exist

                  3. become

                  4. build

                  5. overcome

  9.       I don't have a ....in my house so I can't use the Internet

                  1. server

                  2. broadband

                  3. phone line

                  4. email account

                  5. subscription


10.         Robots will soon .....part of everyday life

                  1. build

                  2. overcome

                  3. exist

                  4. become

                  5. perform


                                           Task  2


  1.  Tom and Julie's relationship broke...


                  1. out

                  2. up

                  3. out  of

                  4. down

                  5. into


  1.   The boy's face broke ....in spots


                 1. out

                 2. up

                 3. out  of

                 4. down

                 5. into


  1.   The boy's face broke ....in spots


                 1. out

                 2. up

                 3. out  of

                 4. down

                 5. into


  1. The lion broke .... the wooden crate


                  1. out

                  2. up

                  3. out  of

                  4. down

                  5. into


  1.   My old car is always breaking ....


                  1. out

                  2. up

                  3. out  of

                  4. down

                  5. into


                                  Test 3


  1.   The Internet is great ....staying in touch


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in


  1. They talk .... the computers all the time


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in


  1.  I can access the Internet .....my brother's computer


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in

4.         You can play many games .... the Internet


                   1. for

                   2. about

                   3. on

                   4. from

                   5. in


5. You can always rely ....my help


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in


 6.  She likes all subjects apart .... Maths


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in


7.  He doesn't like shopping so he uses the Internet to cater....most of his shopping list.


                  1. for

                  2. about

                  3. on

                  4. from

                  5. in


                               Task  4


  1. Playing computer is a  form of (entertain) for many children.


  1. This  sport complex is very well (equip)


  1. The  (invent) o the Internet has changed the life


  1. (spend) much money is her hobby


  1. She didn't take part in the last (discuss)


  1. The (discover) of America was a great event.


  1. Let me (introduce) my new friend.


  1. Listen to some new (inform)


  1. The milkman (deliver) milk every morning.


10.  The biggest (develop) in video game technology has come in 2007.


                         Task  5


  1. This time next week we.........ourselves at the Notting Hill Carnival


                 1. will be enjoying

                 2. will have enjoyed


  1. The train to Bristol ......at 5.00 p.m. from platform six.


                  1. will leave

                  2. leaves


  1.     I .....to the art exhibition tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to join me?


                  1. am going

                  2. will go


  1.   Don't worry, John ........your computer by the end of the day.


                  1. will have been fixing

                  2. will have fixed


  1.   Be careful! You .......coffee on your keyboard.

                  1. will spill

                  2. are going to spill

  1. You can't carry all these bags yourself. I ......some of them off your hands.

                  1. am taking

                  2. will take


Task  6


1. My computer has crashed again. I ......someone to come and fix it.

1. will call

2. will be calling

3. will have called

4. will have been calling


2. Don't worry. I have already called him. He ... in a few minutes.

1. will come

2. will be coming

3. will have come

will have been coming


3. And the printer is not very well. We ....out of ink.

1. will run

2. will be run

3. will have run

4. are going to run


4. Since you ....to the shops tomorrow, can you buy some more ink?

1. will go

2. are going

3. will be going

4. will have gone


5. There is a great film on at the cinema. It ....at 9.00, do you want to go?

1. will start

2. is starting

3. starts

4. will be starting

6. By the time we get there it .......

1. will have started

2. is going to start

3. will be starting

4. will start


7. Do you think John ..... me this laptop for a few days?

1.is lending

2. will lend

3. lends

4. is going to lend


8. Can I have an iPod, mum?Please? I promise I ....you to buy me any more gadgets!

1. am not asking

2. won't ask

3. am not going to ask

4. won't have asked


Task 7


  1.   The film (start) by the time you arrive.
  1.  I can't go out on Saturday or Sunday night. I (study) all weekend.
  1. He (drink) three litres of water by the end of the day.
  1. What (you tell) him about the printer?
  1. She (play) football for three years in June.
  1. I want to do something fun. I know I (go) shopping with my friends.
  1. I (write) this essay for two months by the time I hand it in.
  1. Luke (call) you back  in an hour
  1. If you are going out, I (come) with you.


    10. This time next week I (travel) across France


Мустафина Гульсина Шамилевна, Гимназия № 2. Казань

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